Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yard Project Update

Here's a picture of my (eventual) groundcover. It's not exactly covering the ground yet. I'll probably plant more on this side this fall, as well as the other side of the stairs. A lot of the ones that looked dead a couple of months ago are sprouting little leaves now, so I didn't kill them all! Some of them are growing like crazy while others are just doing OK.
Here are several pictures of the forms and rebar that Travis worked on. He spent a lot of time making sure that he had the right heights so that everything would drain correctly. We had a couple of weeks of rain in July that set this part of the project back, but the plants sure liked it and really needed it.

Flagstone will be laid over the sidewalk, so Travis installed aluminum rails to set the concrete height along the front porch and driveway where the flagstone will need to be flush with the existing concrete.

We have a sidewalk!
After checking out the new sidewalk, here is the surprise I got as I was walking around the house with Bailey.... More Dirt!

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