Friday, August 21, 2009

Question of the Day...

Should a little boy wear a helmet and body pads to protect himself from himself?

On Wednesday Bailey was driving his tractor around the yard and turned too tight around Travis's truck and smacked his forehead into the bumper. He appears to have a slight diamondplate pattern on his forehead. He cryed for less than a minute then wanted to go back outside and play.

Today Bailey had another run in with the entertainment center. He sliced open the side of his face, right by his left eye. Travis took him next door to get a nurses opinion and she said it wasn't deep enough for stitches. Steri-strips seem to be doing the job. I'm not sure when Bailey is going to learn that he is going to lose out when running full speed at the entertainment center.

Here's videos of how Bailey runs around like a crazy guy. He won't slow down!

Bailey was in his pajamas all day, chilling to keep his mind off his boo boo. By the time I got home from work, he was excited to play with Austin, then came inside and chased Stinky around.

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