Friday, July 15, 2011

Tomato Juice and Umbrella

I grabbed some "tasty beverages" for me and Travis on my way home. Bailey said he wanted a "tasty beverage" too. I asked him what he wanted and he said V8. They didn't have V8 so I got tomato juice instead. I told the man at the checkout counter that it was for a four year old and he asked me to bring that little boy in so that he can meet him someday.

Here is B with tomato juice on his face. I actually took this picture so he could see his head in combination with the man on his shirt.

Later B went out to play in the water. He started out under the umbrella, then ended up having a great time running through the water, getting soaked from head to toe.

BTW - He considers the baby JD push toy as his lawnmower, so I can't get rid of it. It has gotten a lot of use.

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