Sunday, April 25, 2010

Park, Library, Shopping, Hiding, Cheese!

Bailey and I went out on an adventure today. We first played at the playground area of Soldier Spring Park, then went hiking on the nature trails. We had barely started walking on the paved trails when Bailey saw a dirt trail going up a hill. This is what we found at the top of the hill. Purple flowers, brush and prickly pears.

This was another area Bailey wanted to go see. I'm assuming this is a popular hang out for kids on their trick and mountain bikes. There was a broken bike in a small pond and a lot of trash. If you overlook the trash, it was really pretty. We'll have to bring a trash bag the next time!

Ta da!!!
We found bluebonnets at the park! Here's B's annual bluebonnet pictures. You'll have to excuse his crazy hair!

This was his face during most of the pictures (I took a lot).
After the park we headed to the library. He got to see some dinosaur bones there. This was actually his first trip to the library. He calls it "Wifebrary." I know he'll be begging to go back soon.

After the library, we headed to 3 different stores. He did so well, I took him to Petsmart to look at the animals.

We had to go to one more store, then we went home. While I was cooking, Bailey called from his room "Come find me!" Where's Bailey? That boy really needs to clean his room.

We all sat down to have a family dinner. I got Bailey's fajita mostly ready, then he wanted to put the cheese on it himself. I proceeded to get my fajita ready. When I was ready for the cheese, I found the plate that once held the cheese to be almost empty. Where's the cheese? I only had to look to Bailey's fajita. He didn't see anything wrong with it. He's definitely a Hughes. Want a little fajita with your cheese?


  1. He is so so so handsome!!! I love his glasses and his sweet smile!! I like his cheesy fajita too!!!

  2. That fajita looks perfect to me...Yum Cheese.
