Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bailey's Busy Day

Bailey had a busy day. First Austin came over to play. Here is Austin pushing Bailey around on the tractor.

Then we headed to First Monday Trade Days. That wore the boys out.
Then home to eat and attempt to take a nap. Here's a video of Bailey feeding himself. He is messy now but is on his way to doing it all by himself.

Later we went on a walk, then headed to the park. Austin loves to swing! Bailey loves the rocks!


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    does Bailey have one of those short handle sets of spoon and fork for when they start feeding themselves? It gives them better aim when the handle is short.
    Just love all the videos and pictures. Thanks so much for putting them out for us to see.Auntie Ar

  2. Yes. He has a couple of sets. We've since started giving them for him to try. It's still very messy and he mostly enjoys smashing the food.
